Call for Papers
What’s #Trending in International and EU Law?
The Law Department of the University of Verona, in cooperation with the Ph.D. School of Law and Economics and the European Documentation Centre, welcomes submissions to the #TILT Young Academics Colloquium, which will be held on 23-24 May 2019.
This two-day event is the first meeting involving early career scholars on trending international and EU law topics to be organised in the unique location of the city of Verona.
Background of the Colloquium
This Colloquium falls within the activities of the research project “Trending International Law Topics – #TILT”, which is supervised by Maria Caterina Baruffi (Full Professor of International Law, University of Verona) and funded by the programme “Ricerca di base 2015” promoted by the University of Verona. The project is aimed at deepening the investigation and fostering scientific discussion on trending topics in international and EU law, including also their impact on domestic legal systems. A series of seminars featuring prominent foreign academics and other events have already been organised so far, focusing for example on the relationships between the EU and national legal orders, migration, the EU Regulations in family law matters, the free movement of persons and the protection of fundamental rights.
In this context, the Colloquium represents a further activity dedicated to open issues in international and EU law, but specifically addressed to Ph.D. students and young researchers of any nationality and affiliation, who will be the leading speakers at this event. First, they are expected to present the results of their research, and then, to engage in the debate with the invited international experts acting as chairpersons and discussants. The goal is thus to provide an invaluable opportunity to share and exchange views with renowned academics and legal practitioners, and to network with other researchers in the respective fields of interest.
Target & Topics of the Call for Papers
In accordance with the Colloquium’s objectives, this Call for Papers is directed at advanced Ph.D. students (or within three years of its completion), post-doc research fellows and academics at early stages of their career, who are encouraged to submit proposals concerning public international law, private and procedural international law, or EU law, including also comparative perspectives, as well as issues related to law and economics. Within this broad scope, the proposed topics need to present an innovative character and methodological approach to the research, or explore new challenges and fields of inquiry.
Submission guidelines
Interested applicants are invited to submit a proposed title, an abstract in English of max. 8000 characters (including spaces) and 3 keywords, together with a CV, through the Call for Papers Application Form that can be accessed at this link.
The deadline for submission is 15 October 2018. Applicants will be informed by 15 December 2018. The selected speakers will be required to submit complete drafts of their papers by 30 April 2019.
The final papers will be collected in the Colloquium proceedings, to be published by 31 July 2019 in an edited volume within the Book Series of the Law Department of the University of Verona.
Coverage of expenses
The Law Department of the University of Verona will reserve and pay for the selected speakers’ hotel accommodation for one night (23 May 2019). In addition, travel expenses to and from Verona incurred by the selected speakers will be covered according to the internal guidelines of the University of Verona (upon submission of the supporting documents).
Organisational information
Participation in the Colloquium is free of charge, but registration is compulsory through the Form that can be accessed at this link. Registration will be opened from 15 January 2019 until 15 May 2019, and will be accepted up to the number of places available.
Further details and the complete Colloquium’s programme will follow in due course.
To download this Call for Papers in .pdf format, please click here.
For further information or inquiries please contact
Follow our Facebook page for any updates!
Essential timeline
Deadline for the submission of abstracts.
Application Form to the Call for Papers available at this link.
Notification to the applicants of the outcomes of the Call for Papers.
Registration to the #TILT Young Academics Colloquium is open.
Registration Form to the Colloquium available at this link.
Deadline for the submission of the final papers by the selected speakers.
#TILT Young Academics Colloquium (University of Verona, Law Department)
Publication of the Colloquium proceedings in an edited volume within the Book Series of the Law Department of the University of Verona.